hearts of iron 4 convoy escort broken. Method 1: Convoys. hearts of iron 4 convoy escort broken

Method 1: Convoyshearts of iron 4 convoy escort broken 1] [cff6] Enabled DLC Waking the Tiger, Man The Guns Do you have mods enabled? No Description i tested this in many diffrent ways

They'll do the bulk of your ship damage for the first year or so. . The normal US stuff. Role: Convoy Raiding or Patrol Typical wolf pack, lots of subs, mainly used to fight enemy convoys but can also be used for patrol in a pinch. Have naval bombers over all air zones in the Mediterranean. As U. 0 enemy ships are in the area so conveys are safe. My plan using the new system was to have a big strike force for. There's a lot of new mechanics to learn and I decided to play as the UK as the new stuff with the commonwealth seemed interesting. Hearts of Iron IV is a compelling simulation of modern war that rewards replay and strategic thinking. If there are no spare factories / yards, release some from building other stuff (destroyers, subs etc) but clicking the tiny factory icons in their box. Lost 43 divisions because my navy is f*cking ♥♥♥♥♥♥. But in a far away sea with no DD escort you can use a small group of just 3-4 sub group, mix them so you can reach the bottleneck sea lanes like South Afrika tip. And a couple of national focuses will give you some free ones. Although missions can be assigned at the task force level, the operating area for the mission is defined at the fleet level by assigning regions . and All 10 divisions involved were sunk. They'll do the bulk of your ship damage for the first year or so. This is by design. Role: Convoy Raiding or Patrol Typical wolf pack, lots of subs, mainly used to fight enemy convoys but can also be used for patrol in a pinch. -Changes the naval OOB. It is 1948 and the Imperial Federation is at war with the remaining Axis powers in Europe and South America. Second you need to control every sea zone between you and the target. I double checked acces level it was fine. Target cost 5200-5300. The Single Player menu allows for playing the Tutorial or to start a new game as well as to load a previous saved game. All Discussions. Hi all, Bit confused here. I'd like to look to historical fleet organization for some inspiration on how to create good task forces in the new system. Set my fleet (about 40 ships) to convoy escort in the two necessary naval areas, launched the invasion. I have established a conclave within enemy territory with 2 ports (lv. and All 10 divisions involved were sunk. Convoy escorts. -Alters the national focus trees for UK, Japan, Netherlands,. Create a destroyer escort for convoy escort mission. . I've never had much luck with subs and convoy raiding. My convoy escort efficiency is abysmal, literally 2-3% in most cases and it's crippling my ability to transport resources in and supplies out. Latest. And right on the money with regards to building a single lvl 1 naval base for the extra range and more mils for more air with cheaper ships is worth much more than building more docks for. I have almost 4k convoys total and my convoy escorts comprise of 1936 and 1944 destroyer hulls, all starting with or having been refitted with radar 4 and sonar 2. Target cost is in the 10-12k range. So this has happened twice. It is 1948 and the Imperial Federation is at war with the remaining Axis powers in Europe and South America. My plan using the new system was to have a big strike force for. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. Ctrl+right click on a battleplan/fallback line/front line selects all units attached to that battle plan. Set my fleet (about 40 ships) to convoy escort in the two necessary naval areas, launched the invasion. Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments. It is 1948 and the Imperial Federation is at war with the remaining Axis powers in Europe and South America. Carriers: Carriers were the gods of the sea irl in WW2, but in Hoi4, not so much, at least not until later in the game. More is overkill as they are just fighting convoys. Not very good at fighting fleets however. Below you can see how many convoys you get per level in case you change the production method to a higher level. I would like Fleet Bs nine task force's to do their convoy escort duties. Description of issue ships on convoy escort get " new ships joining in coordination penalty" Game Version [1. In addition to large carrier or battleship-based fleets, a navy should use smaller fleets for specialized purposes, such as patrol fleets with 3-3 CAs/BCs, a few CLs and a bunch of DDs, flotillas of 3-6 subs on convoy raiding or search and destroy missions, as well as squadrons of a couple DD for anti-submarine warfare, convoy escort, or convoy. This can be attached to your patrol screen fleet for max convoy and sub destruction. The first one was spamming the English channel with fighters & naval bombers on naval attack mission to support submarines on convoy raiding. Minelaying : Lays mines, giving you extra naval superiority, and increases the chance of enemy ships randomly sinking, and reduces enemy ship speed by up to 80% (!). 2-> SUB SURFACE DETECTION -> For every 1 point in Sub Visibility you get -1,8% Chance of the enemy finding you. #5. Because my. My plan using the new system was to have a big strike force for. ago. Use patrol or patrol/strike force depending on. Old ships are best for convoy escorts or disposable screens though I prefer to use them as escorts. Land doctrine. Watched as the four closest and within range of my bases went to 100% coverage, while the two near Malaysia stayed red. Navy Organization. The USA is separated from hostile nations by two huge oceans, and it also has the highest industrial capacity of all nations. If the enemy comes with convoy escort to defend the seazone, he slowly looses ships after ships to the mines. Can you use destroyers and/or light cruisers for convoy raiding?Hearts of Iron IVでチートを使う方法は? WeModは、PC上のすべてのゲームを安全に表示します。リストからゲームを開き、プレイを押すだけです。 ゲームが読み込まれてゲーム内に入ると、さまざまなチートを有効にできるようになります!As you might expect, warfare is a massive part of Hearts of Iron IV. BTW I'm playing Germany. 0 unless otherwise noted. You want 6-8 per task force, with a ton of task forces. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. Bridger Jun 20, 2016 @ 5:21am. For example japan. 6. I also build a combat fleet to engage the enemy, but even with highly optimized dockyard pathing it can easily take until 1942 to have any reasonable means to compete on a strike force. Why doesn't it work? Everytime i send a naval invasion it gets completely wipped out by a few destroyers because my fleet doesn't do anything during the battleAs for factories, only build new ones in the colonies. There's a lot of new mechanics to learn and I decided to play as the UK as the new stuff with the commonwealth seemed interesting. Extremly costly for medium gain, but if you have the oil, it works quite nice. Historically, they displaced between about 8 and 25 thousand tons, and were used to escort slower ships such as transports and convoys. 6. This is the first time Ive had this issue. 1] [cff6] Enabled DLC Waking the Tiger, Man The Guns Do you have mods enabled? No Description i tested this in many diffrent ways. If you send some destroyers on convoy escort missions will they protect ally convoys or only your own convoys?Search titles only. A modifier is essentially a variable used in internal calculations. Division weight will influence the number of convoy ships used. Hearts of Iron IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. Hearts of Iron IV: Together For Victory 60% off. Have naval bombers over all air zones in the Mediterranean. You can even then sent out your strike fleet to destroy the convoy escort. Convoy Escorts sped up the process in hunting the submarines down immensely, but by the time the Fleet had turned around to help the transports, 10 enemy DDs had already sunk 33 of the 36 transports. They are death to your subs. But that I wanted to send an army to Britain to prepare for D-day, I had 2 fleets of destroyers with 2 lvl 2 depth chargers and lvl 2 soner, and 1 fleet had a aircraft carrier with some naval bombers on it and they were on convoy. GameBreaker. The main tree is mostly for CVs. 1, this. I reloaded several times to get the same result. Mods. . -Changes the tech tree artwork or GUI. Just make sure to give them sonar and depth charges before setting them, otherwise they won’t do anything and subs won’t flee from them. For example: I have a stack of 12 sub's in a convoy intense sea region. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. This page was last edited on 16 January 2022, at 17:51. I was launching a naval invasion from Malta against Alexandria as Britain (long story short, a lot of German and Italian troops ended up in Africa and took everything before I realised). I have almost 4k convoys total and my convoy escorts comprise of 1936 and 1944 destroyer hulls, all starting with or having been refitted with radar 4 and sonar 2. * When setting up the order you can only depart from one province, but you can land on multiple provinces at the destination. This will be a very long and detailed post so as to avoid questions about what I did to obtain my results and to proactively try to prevent this discussion from being cluttered. . Tap the ship hull type until it toggles off. There is a bug - the game selects a source port for the supply route. I was launching a naval invasion from Malta against Alexandria as Britain (long story short, a lot of German and Italian troops ended up in Africa and took everything before I realised). Set up a naval invasion plan and it will automaticly assign convoys as transports. Yet in game it appears it does. My plan using the new system was to have a big strike force for. 1-2 Invasion Escort groups for keeping invasion forces safe and provide shore bombardment. An admiral assigned to convoy raiding attempts to sink enemy convoys every 5-15 days, with a 20% chance to sink convoys at each attempt. However, simply sending out a bunch of submarines or battleships won’t work very well, and you’ll quickly find your navy devastated. The planner will say something about not daring to put our ships there. Instead you see their trade routes. Then I tried the same on southern England (with air superiority on my side) on port strike mission and naval bombers did nothing again. I have almost 4k convoys total and my convoy escorts comprise of 1936 and 1944 destroyer hulls, all starting with or having been refitted with radar 4 and sonar 2. Lay Mines: Great for sinking unwary enemy ships and also slows them down. For me it's the first/top option when you select naval build (the blue anchor) in the production menu. Rather than sinking a convoy or two, the subs end up sinking a convoy and two escorts instead, and the escorts cost more than the convoys. You can't just launch your invasion into hostile waters. If you do not wish to read through the details, just skip straight to the end for my conclusion(s)/thoughts. - Submarine group: Convoy Raiding mission - Destroyer group: Patrol or Convoy Escort or Minelaying missions - Mixed group with heavy ships: Strike Force mission Long version: Google "hoi 4 navy tutorial" for lots of results. Set my fleet (about 40 ships) to convoy escort in the two necessary naval areas, launched the invasion. 1. As you can see in the top UI your supply fulfilment is only at 77%. Location. For me it's the first/top option when you select naval build (the blue anchor) in the production menu. ago. 10+0 +3 +3 /4 = 4 ). I start a naval invasion of the UK and my German Marines fight off the British troops and right when. First of all Naval Invasions are buggy. What i the best navy composition to convoy escort my German troops when crossing the English Channel? < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . I find that if I tell some ships to do convoy escort, then if I tell other ships to patrol, they stay in the same zones. 1 Effects of mines 7 Minesweeping 8 Naval invasion support 9 Hold 9. Cheapest way to protect your convoys is: block access to high threat regions, use destroyer escorts to 100% convoy efficiency, do damage back with naval bombers. g. Adding a cruiser to an escort carrier doesn't diminish the escort carriers ability to detect enemy ships. He has large numbers of escorts with his convoys, and this has changed a few things: 1) He loses less convoys. It is 1948 and the Imperial Federation is at war with the remaining Axis powers in Europe and South America. The number of convoys which have to be protected by the escort ships only increase when you give them more naval routes to cover. . Both of these roles call for a sufficient quantity of ships, and destroyers are the most economical vessel to produce in the numbers required. click on the army commander and you'll see on the left a naval invasion icon, click on that and choose the starting port, then right click on the invasion site, then wait while your. Once the amphibious invasion is started, then the ships will leave port and travel with the troops. A quick video to go a bit more in depth into convoys. . Modding, or creating mods, is the act of modifying the behavior of the base game (often referred to as vanilla ), either for personal use, or to release publicly for other players, for instance - via the Steam Workshop . Surface raiding, especially in the med, is extremely dangerous even for human players in MP games, so it would probably be suicide for an AI, but I 100% agree that UK should be putting every single ship on convoy raid if it gets sealioned, because at that. Cheap to make in large amounts, you can easily produce enough of them equipped just for dealing with enemy submarines. May 6, 2019 @ 5:53pm You don't need a navy to escort. The naval route efficiency is at 0%. Countries can engage in combat with each other on land, sea, and in the air, across the entire planet. Avoid shallow seas at all cost. You're correct with the convoy escort, and even if it protected allied shipping too, it's very bad at actually killing subs. hearts_of_iron3-tfh4_02. Originally posted by ningus bingledong: convoys are in the top left of your resources and buttons bar they can't be deployed theyre used automatically. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. This is the most powerful doctrine for surface action. I haven't played for a really long time but came back brought the DLC and thought I'd try again. Escort Carrier - 1 flight deck, AA, Radar is you want, carrier 1 engine. You cannot modify convoys, or use them directly. Steps to Reproduce Turn off AI Put out a fleet to convoy raid in a sea zone and declare war on a nation Tag switch to the enemy nation and put troops out in the seaThe easiest way is to trade for oil, but most likely that trade will require convoys, which your enemies can sink. You can re-route convoys. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. Typically performed by Destroyers. and All 10 divisions involved were sunk. Hearts of Iron IV. Maybe there should be a special convoy escort naval action for protecting armies at sea. Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor 60% off. - ANTI-SUB DESTROYER: at least lvl 2 hull, 2 best depth charges, cheapest gun possbile, best sonar you can get, best radar you can get,. and All 10 divisions involved were sunk. . The convoy escort gives +30% escort efficiency, which is pretty good because it lowers the number of escort ships required, and +20% sub detection for DDs. Ideally 15 ships, but ♥♥♥♥ hit the fan and my admiral are being retarded with deploying. The preparation time for the raid. #8. A quick video to go a bit more in depth into convoys. Moving up to the 1940 tier hull and. There's a lot of new mechanics to learn and I decided to play as the UK as the new stuff with the commonwealth seemed interesting.